eugene volleyball
Women’s Volleyball – Spring 2020
Early registration deadline 5/11/20 Team $375 / Free Agent $65
Final registration deadline 5/28/20: Team $415 / Free Agent $70
All Dates are TENTATIVE
Late registration (if opened): Additional $50 Team / $15 Player
Dates: TENTATIVE (COVID-19 Delays) Monday Nights, June 1st – July 27th
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: TENTATIVE (COVID-19 Closures) Bob Keefer Center (map link)
Gender: Women
Age: 18y+ (As of first day of league play)
Be on the lookout for exclusive league member specials and discounts weekly after games!
League Format (click to open)
This is a recreational league and is open to teams of all levels. Team will be asked for division selection information – Rec or Rec+Plus upon checkout. Playground Sports will attempt to schedule teams based on similar competition levels.
Teams consist of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 players.
8 games scheduled (3 matches per game), tentative playoffs for the top 4 teams, no make-ups for forfeits.
Have enough Playground Sports shirts? Teams can opt to re-use Playground Sports shirts for a $50 credit towards any future Playground Sports season. This applies to any returning team and must register by submitting the team fee. Credit (for any future season after this season) will be applied after the team captain emails asking for the $50 shirt re-use credit.
Registration Notes (click to open)
Team Players: be sure to put your team name so you are linked with the correct team. If you do not, you may not be placed with the correct team. All players must complete this process by the registration deadline.
Free Agents: will be placed on a team after the final deadline. Be sure to check your email after the final deadline date.
Team Captains: once you have registered your team, your players must join your team by using the link “Player Join Your Team” by the registration deadline. Be sure your players know the team name so they may complete the online process.
Players who do not join the team online by the registration deadline will be charged the $10 admin fee to complete the paper version of the player profile.
Small Group Member: Want to play with a few friends or have a team all wanting to pay individually? Create a small group and have the rest of your friends join! We will keep you all together and help fill out your team if needed with another small group or free agents.