

Game Night – JackBox Games & Karaoke Leagues
Fun with Friends New & Old

Playground Sports’ Game Night leagues allows you to get your game fix without having to host or clean your house! Live hosted games from your favorite JackBox makers on Tuesdays and Karaoke league with the help of Caught in the Act on Sunday nights. Leagues will be held at PLAY Eugene in the Cocktail Lounge. You don’t have to be sporty or talented, just play!

Karaoke Leagues
Ridiculous performing for ALL!

Karaoke League Details: Register for Fall 2024 by Sept 10th as a team or free agent.

League play will occur on Sunday nights at PLAY Eugene for 4 weeks (9/15 – 10/6). Teams of 4-6  players. Teams will match up to perform 2 solos and 1 group song each week. Different themes weekly. The final week will be a singing bracket battle for the golden microphone!
SPOTS ARE LIMITED. Click the icon below to register and get more league details

JackBox Games Leagues
Ridiculous fun for ALL! We will play many of the “You Don’t Know Jack” games from JackBox.

Game Night Details: Jackbox Games, login and play with us!

League play will occur on Tuesdays nights at PLAY Eugene Cocktail Lounge for 4 weeks (8/6- 8/27). Play from 6pm to 7pm & 7pm to 8pm.

Register for weekly play- if space permits, weekly registration will open for single night play. 

SPOTS ARE LIMITED. Click the icon below to register.